Graduation Ceremony for Dr. Hiroaki Hayashi

On December 8, 2022, a graduation ceremony was held in Tokushima City, Japan for Dr. Hiroaki Hayashi as a Distinguished Graduate of the dual degree IOUF/UA Doctorate in Environmental Studies. His book, The World Heritage of Agriculture in the Tokushima Tsurugi Mountain Range—A Guide to a Sustainable Society was recognized by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations as the basis of sustainable agriculture in the world.

Over 100 people were in attendance for the Graduation Ceremony for Dr. Hayashi, including Tokushima City officials. Included in the photos are Kenichi Matsumae, President of I Will Be: Inc.; Dr. Muneo Yoshikawa, IOUF Board of Governors, Distinguished Professor; Dr. Hiroaki Hayashi; Dr. Sadazumi Mogi, Professor Emeritus of Hokugakuin University; Mayor of Tokushima City; and Suzue, Shinto singer.
