The communities that makeup UZACHI, the Union of Zapotec-Chaniantoc forest producing communities of the Sierra Juarez, are committed to restoring and conserving their communal forests in Oaxaca, Mexico. Gathering seeds is an important step in initiating reforestation and maintaining the biodiversity of the forest. The project uses both seedlings and seeds for reforestation. Once collected, the planting of seeds, rather than saplings, is a more efficient and effective way to rebuild forests quickly and help young trees survive drought. Also, a seeding technique makes it possible to plant many more trees per hectare as using seedlings, at half the cost. IOU Foundation and their partners the Central University of Nicaragua and Universidad Azteca are pleased to support this important seed gathering activity for forest regeneration.
IOU Foundation Gives Grant to UZACHI for Seed Collection and Reforestation in the Sierra Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico.
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