Dr. Muneo Yoshikawa Conducts Symposium at IOUF, Arden (USA)

On November 3, 2013, Dr. Muneo Yoshikawa, internationally recognized scholar, specialist in intercultural business communication, and member of the Board of Governors for Intercultural Open University Foundation (IOUF) met with Dr. Sandra Hurlong, President of IOUF, Dr. John M. Toothman, IOUF Board of Governors, Roxanne K. Toothman, Advisor to the President (IOUF), Mike Curtis, Vice President of the Henry George Institute, and Dr. Lisa Shaffner Albright, IOUF Resource Scholar.  

The Symposium centered on Dr. Yoshikawa’s Double-swing model (also known as the Mobius integration philosophy) and the expanding role of IOUF with dual degree partners Universidad Central de Nicaragua and Universidad Azteca.  Discussions also included IOUF’s position concerning educational assistance to the newly established Henry George Institute in Managua, Nicaragua.
