M. A. Degree awarded to Michael Curtis
The Intercultural Open University Foundation presented a M. A. Degree in Economics to Michael Curtis, Board Member of the Henry George School of Economics in
The Intercultural Open University Foundation presented a M. A. Degree in Economics to Michael Curtis, Board Member of the Henry George School of Economics in
Dr. Sohan L. Gandhi, one of our most notable professors will be presenting workshops and lectures during the month of September in Krakow, Poland, Mexico
In addition to our new membership in EFQUEL, IOU Foundation is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Cynthia L. Jackson as Vice-President for Quality
European Foundation for Quality in E learning. The President of Intercultural Open University Foundation, Dr. Sandra Hurlong and the Board of Governors are pleased and
There are numerous reasons why the Board of Governors and the President of Intercultural Open University Foundation want to make the world a better place for
A blog post contributed to the Huffington Post last year (visit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/edward-guiliano-phd/technology-higher-education_b_2008733.html) made much of the fact that today’s university students are far more digitally tuned
As a distance learning educational foundation focused on social change, the Intercultural Open University Foundation (IOUF) has fielded many questions over the years about our
One of the most important questions facing prospective graduate and post-graduate students in many countries today is that of cost: many university programs require an
Universidad Central de Nicaragua/Universidad Azteca Dual PhD graduate Dr. Gulab Kothari spoke recently at a conference at the London School of Economics (LSE) in London,
A recent report conducted by the PEW Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and the Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University said it all: